Seven popular facts about the Caviar

Deven Patel
Seven popular facts about the Caviar
Caviar - an unsurpassed delicacy worthy of born gourmets. The traditional product is obtained from sturgeon (stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon). The color of the eggs is black, olive-brown, dark platinum, and even light gray. The taste of black caviar has hints of the sea, which reveal a nutty or fruity aftertaste.

There is a myth that in ancient times, caviar was sent to hard labor for improper salting. But this has not yet been proven, but only the speculation of some inventors. We have prepared for your interesting facts about black caviar, which have been proven by scientists and numerous observations.

Seven facts about the dietary delicacy:

    It is rightfully considered an aphrodisiac. Trace elements and vitamins contained in eggs accelerate metabolic processes, give a tremendous amount of energy, and provoke sexual desire.
    Black caviar instantly increases hemoglobin.
    Caviar is judged on its color, flavor, texture, and maturity. The finest, most expensive caviars are older, larger eggs that are lighter in color. Lower quality caviar is younger, with a less intensely fishy flavor, and darker in color. It’s a good thing, too, for caviar newbies, who are more likely to start on the cheaper, milder stuff.
    Caviar is one of the oldest delicacies. Before raw oysters, before Champagne, before even truffles were deemed a delicacy, caviar was coveted by kings and the aristocracy. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Russian tsars were all known to splurge on caviar.
    It has been proven that people who often consume caviar live 7-10 years longer and look younger.
    Caviar, although it is considered a primordially Russian product, has the Persian name “Caviar”.
    It is a lifesaver from a hangover, as it is quickly absorbed and restores the body's strength.

We hope that little-known facts about black caviar will awaken the customer's interest in tasting this amazing seafood delicacy.

Source: food republic
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