There’s nothing like a caviar celebration — and it doesn’t need to cost you an arm and an egg

Deven Patel
There’s nothing like a caviar celebration — and it doesn’t need to cost you an arm and an egg
If you like caviar, you don’t have to mortgage the house to have some of it from time to time. These days, there are caviars to fit every budget.

Osetra caviar is best served very simply. Some like to eat it straight from a spoon. Make sure that spoon is not silver, for it will give the caviar a metallic taste. The ultimate connoisseur uses a traditional mother-of-pearl spoon.
If you’re a little short of these, however, you might — as some limited-budget connoisseurs do — use plastic, ice-cream-tasting spoons.

Traditional accompaniments for the “correct” caviar service are toast points, plain or swiped with unsalted sweet butter, and perhaps a drizzle of creme fraiche and a few droplets of fresh lemon juice. The favored beverages to sip with caviar are crisp and cold — frozen vodka or dry Champagne.

Caviar need not cost a fortune nor be served ritualistically to be enjoyed. A little can go a long way. Less-expensive premium hybrid Kaluga caviar is great for topping fresh-shucked, icy-cold oysters or sprinkling over angel-hair pasta with creme fraiche, chives, and lemon. One friend loves caviar’s cold contrast dolloped on a big bowl of hot, buttered sweet corn.

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There’s nothing like a caviar celebration — and it doesn’t need to cost you an arm and an egg
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